Friday, November 28, 2008

Shopping Poem for Black Friday

Hello to all - company arrived almost immediately after this mornings call so I won't get my 5 today but I'll make it up over the weekend.

So, no follow up blog either - this poem will have to suffice and maybe even spur you on...

Economic Bail Out got your down?
You don't have 700 Billion to spread around?
Then help yourself with your own economic plan
And shop online every time you can.

No need to search for all the stores
At your fingertips there's 1200 or more;
With a shortcut toolbar for you to install,
Just one click to enter your own Power Mall.

Save on gas - get delivery to your door,
Save your energy, no 'mobs' in YOUR stores,
Where finding the BEST parking space is never a care
For it's the chair underneath your own dairyaire.

While avoiding the local shopping circus,
Rebates you'll earn for all that you purchase
And inviting others to shop our mall is always a plus
For what ever they buy means more income to us.

While shopping your mall, they may take a glance
At Ginny's presentation, and then just by chance
They'll want their own too after all
It makes sense to own a MY POWER MALL.


Day 4

Everyone and Welcome to my Friday morning blog post!

I pray everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day - (all who celebrate it anyway), and if you don't celebrate, then I pray you just had a nice day :0)

I really enjoyed the time with family and friends and taking the day off from my business. Isn't that one of the great things about having a home-based business and being your own boss? You make your days - set your hours - and best of all, get ALL the rewards.

You're shaping your own future and building your own dreams instead of for someone else. And yes, it's true that ahead of you are others such as Ginny Dye but with My Power Mall, unlike so many other home based business noopportunities (no, that's not a misprint or mis-spelling), NO-ONE ahead of you succeeds unless you succeed.

Over the years I have been in so many MLMs and business' that it's just not funny. I have wasted so much time and energy and money on plans that were never meant for me to succeed or at least not beyond a certain level. I have been elbow to elbow with bonifide millionaires in those companies only to realize that that in itself is part of the overall hype.

I'm here to tell you that those plans don't work for long. Sure, I've made some money in them but I dare say that I put out more than I got back. Thankfully I never was one to stock more 'inventory' than I could or would use myself. I was even doing live 15 minute TV mini infomercials for one company and guess what, I got stuck with the bill from the TV station! I believe in Karma though because that company has since gone belly up and all those poor millionaires have since gone on to other schemes and plans.

Okay, feel like I'm ranting a little but my point here is this...nothing like that will ever happen with one will ever get 'burnt' with MY Power Mall. You're never expected to do or buy anything that you weren't going to anyway and in today's economy, it makes perfect sense to save when and where you can so what better way than to make purchases through your mall and earn money back?

I'm not into doing the Black Friday thing - never have been. (I actually hate shopping but it is a necessary thing that has to be done.) I won't fight crowds, especially hostile ones, even if it was free! But that's just me.

However, before my son and his family come for the weekend, I will go out and get my 5 today as well as do my biking and be on the call this morning as that's my commitment. And besides, it's called Black Friday because all retailers have mega deals on that day and for one day a year, they make enough sales to actually dip out of the red and into the black...any day I shop in my PowerMall that automatically pays me back is therefore a 'Black Day' for me:0) It could be for you too. Think about it.

Just Power Mall It!


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day 3

Today was an exhausting day...getting ready for Thanksgiving and a weekend visit from oldest son and his family and catching the call this morning while trying to take care of normal everyday stuff too BUT I still managed to sneak away and make my 5 contacts :) and now I'm blogging and baking the pies for tomorrow and keeping my eyes open with clothespins attached to eyelids and the brows!

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I decided to add a commitment of my own to coincide with the Boot Camp time frame - - - I now bike at least a mile before the morning call! (You all have no ideal how huge that is for me!!!) It's an aireydine bike in my spare room but hey - it's a start and it's just the first week. I hope to 'go further' each week and see how much weight I can lose by the end of Boot Camp. I'm thinking that it'll boost my metabolism and energy level too but right now it's just kicking my butt!

If I don't lose any weight at all in 60 days I'll take my World Changer earnings and throw a big party and publicly commit bikacide - one spoke at a time - and you're all invited to watch! We'll use the spokes and roast marshmallows afterwards:0)

We had a terrific call this morning by the way. I so enjoy hearing from all the different members how they're tackling this. Some of them are so funny and just plain human.

If you're reading this because you've received one of my invitation cards, I just want to assure you that the company you're looking into is simply a wonderful company put together and run by real down to earth people. This opportunity is so real and has got to be the simplest thing available to anyone anywhere. This process is so duplicatable and whether near or around the globe, the people you'll meet and friendships you'll form will be with you for the rest of your life.

Okay - that's going to be all for tonight so I can attend to my pies and such. Hope everyone has a pleasant day tomorrow with your family and loved ones, we'll see you on Friday and let me leave you with the immortal words of 4 wise men from England...


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Day 2 - Whew!

Okay - so every day's not going to be that piece of cake but good none the less because of the sense of accomplishment at the end of the day, and that's always a good thing.

My husband claims that since we moved to Florida in 2004 I've become a hermit basically because I spend far too much time indoors and mainly at the computer in my efforts to produce an income. And he's right! So, me committing to go out everyday into the wild blue yonder and make one on one contact with 5 people everyday is amazing him. Frankly it's amazing me!

I have to admit that today was a bit tougher than yesterday...maybe it was me..maybe it was the locations I visited or just the time of day??? But the important thing is that I didn't give up or get discouraged and I didn't come home until I had my 5 for the day.

It all seemed to flow easier for me when I changed my approach from asking if they'd like to 'help me', to opening with "can I ask you a question?"...

Walking up to total strangers and starting a conversation isn't always easy and you may not always feel up on your game so to say but it's not Rocket Science either. I think we sometimes have a tendency to make it more difficult than it is or should be.

I look for 2 simple things in or about a person before I approach them to break the ice:
  1. Do they have a name tag on? If so, then I use their name when I speak to them. It makes it personal for them - people enjoy hearing their name and I'm more apt to remember more about them from our conversation. I try to say their name at least 3 times during the brief conversation.
  2. Is there something about them that you can compliment them on? Good hairdo, fashionable purse, perhaps they're wearing a color that just 'pops' on them... Again, it makes it personal to them and it's appreciated. They'll remember that.

Smile - make eye contact and just be yourself. Meeting new people is fun and if you're reading this because you stumbled on it, got one of my invitation cards, are checking out My Power Mall or you're a Power Mall member, I want you to know that this home based business is simple and makes so much sense. There's nothing about My Power Mall that isn't duplicatable even if you ARE a Rocket Scientist!

So, I don't have a sign up yet from the Boot Camp but I'm planting seeds and watering them and that's more than I was doing last week :-)

Til tomorrow...

Monday, November 24, 2008

Day 1 Ends With A Smile

Okay - we can so do this!

First day in camp began at 11am EST with the morning group call...actually, it began a lot earlier with me as I'm not only a light sleeper and usually am fortunate to sleep past 4am, but I also have a new kitty who was ready for me to wake up and play with her at quarter til 4:)

So, I'm on the computer (what else is there to do when it's still dark out,) in between doing 2 loads of wash and entertaining 'Peaches' (new kitty,) and I'm reading some of the blogs of my fellow campers and checking out some other's on, house is quiet...getting more and more psyched about the first call at 11:00. I actually dialed in to the call line almost 20 minutes early! Not too anxious huh...but glad I did as I got to chat with a few comrades before hand.

The call itself was everything I've come to expect from Ginny and Jacki. Good call - very good call and I had no doubts by the end of the call exactly what was expected of me. This is going to be not easy but so doable IF we all simply follow their lead. Can't wait for tomorrow's call.

So...what did I do after the call? What impact did the call have on me and what did I do to implement what I had learned from the call?

Well, first I ate lunch with Al and then I printed out some of the new invitation cards with my contact info and then Al & I went to do some shopping for the new kitty. She needed a larger litter box and some toys so it was off to a store or two with invitation cards at hand...I couldn't come home without 5 names, phone #s and email address of my 5 new contacts to share MyPowerMall with!

First stop was the Dollar Tree where I found nothing for Peaches but got my first contact. Then across the street to BigLots where all they had was a package of mini play mice but I had 2 contacts there. So, still no litter box and chensey toys AND still need 2 more contacts so it's off to the "BigK" where I find a nice litter box and some neat toys along with a scratching post, a container of catnip and a very nice cashier and that's contact #4 for the day. (I know we have KMart in our mall but Peaches needed this stuff today!)

One more. I need one more. Where am I going to find one more? We're parked right outside of KMart and Al's back is bothering him so it's not a walk through the mall day...

We're leaving KMart and I notice a lady sitting at the first Kiosh just 20' from KMart so I head towards her and strike a conversation and within a few minutes she's joined by a friend who also works in the mall and bingo, I now have #5 AND #6 for day 1. We can sooooo do this:-)

Stay tuned for results and further adventures.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Check In Day at Camp...

Okay - it's the day we all arrive at Boot Camp and anxiously await the flurry of activities that begin tomorrow...tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow, you're only a day away.

And that will be a day closer to $2000! Yeah.

Seriously, there's 25 of us in this camp and I can't imagine a single one of us is doing this because first we couldn't use the money, but mainly because we're all looking forward to gaining the knowledge, experience and know how to teach others that they too can achieve this level of success with MyPowerMall. I am just so excited about this experience and opportunity.

It will be so amazing to read the blogs of the other 24 members of the camp and even any comments from those peering into our 'Glass Bowl'.

Yes, this should be a very interesting 60 days...25 people mixed together from different areas and backgrounds, all sharing the same activities and goals...(sort of like summer camp only without the ghost stories and mischievous pranks.)

Anyway, I'm very much looking forward to the next 60 days and sharing all my success with everyone as well as cheering others on for their success.