Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Mid Week Update

Hi everyone!

If you're a visitor to the Boot Camp Journal Blogs then you should know that Ginny and Jacki kind of gave us some time off for the Holidays so we don't HAVE to report and blog daily. Like most of us Campers, I'm not taking the entire time totally off but it's much appreciated to be able to relax a bit and take care of the holiday and family things. So again, thank you Ginny and Jacki.

Today is Al's and my 20th Anniversary and we went to the flea market, did groceries, took in a movie and then out to diner but I took MPM with me all day:-)

I took my time today and walked around the local flea market to talk with a few of the local businesses that are normally there. I handed out some invitation cards to regular people too but it's really the businesses that I want and NPOs.

A few wouldn't give me their contact info and that's okay.

There was Ned who was a subcontractor it turned out for the local paper and he just does this to give his wife a break so I emphasized with him the savings from his everyday purchases. He said he'd have his wife check it out as she's in charge of that sort of thing and no, she wouldn't be happy with him giving out their #...

Ted & Fred run a bulk spice business. Fred's no longer part of the business and Ted had on a shirt with the name Phil on it because it only cost him a quarter and he doesn't buy much groceries, he does buy a little bit of gas but he doesn't do anything on the Internet...

David is a Scout Master for a local Boy Scout troop and they had a booth there to raise funds so I talked with him a bit and he thought it was a great idea and would bring it up at the next meeting...

Tom is a service technician for the biggest AC/Heating Co. here in the area (which I thought was really weird that they had a booth...heating I can understand but hey, if you can't sale or service A/Cs in Florida - where can you?) Anyway, my thought with that is business must be down and they may possibly be looking for a fresh avenue of advertising and trimming expenses so I talked with Tom for quite some time. He actually asked for an extra card because he has a friend who has another business and he wanted to pass it on to him, if I didn't mind. Also, he was kind enough to give me the name of the person in the company that I would need to talk to and that it's best to make an appointment with him which I'll set up.

George has been doing the flea market forever. He sell Vinyl Etched Glass Decals which is a neat product. George does the flea market circuit where he's at several through out the week. He also liked the whole concept and wants me to follow up with him on Monday since that's the only day that he's not at a flea market.

The best contact I feel I made today was with Marcus. He and his wife Andrea have recently opened a restaurant & bakery in Inverness so they're very open to stretching their money. He makes all kinds of wonderful breads 'in the European Tradition' so that will be an easy easy follow up as I'll need some rolls for Christmas dinner.

I didn't do any follow up today other than 'Christmas card' emails but I also talked to the cashier at the grocery store as I mentioned that I just got a rebate for everything I purchased and thanked the waitress as I told her that I had gotten a rebate not only on the meal but also her tip...yes, I paid for everything today with an AmEx gift card bought on mall.

Goodnight all


1 comment:

Ginny Dye said...

Happy Anniversay!! I will be here reading everyday. I love how you took MPM with you through your day. You've learned so much and come so far. It's so much fun to watch!!
